Baptism Class: Easter 2025 | April 6, 2025


This Easter, we're celebrating baptisms in service! Easter is a deeply meaningful day to be made new. Immersion into the water symbolizes the grave, and the death of our old life of sin. Emerging out of the water, we remember that Christ is risen, and we have been raised to live a new life in Christ!

Baptism is a public declaration of faith in Jesus and a mark of identity as a part of God's family, the Church. That's why we celebrate baptism together as a church, during Worship Services. We would love to celebrate your baptism with you during one of our Easter Worship Services in the Worship Center.

Please review the following as you consider taking your next step of Baptism during Easter Worship Services.

Easter Worship Service Baptism Candidate - Who is eligible for IN WORSHIP baptism on Easter Sunday?

  • Anyone who attends one of the Easter Baptism Classes. (There are two classes - April 6 and April 13. Attendance in the class is required to be baptized on Easter during the Worship Service.)
  • Anyone who wants to be baptized by an OHC minister. (Sorry, no parents or 3rd party baptizers for in-worship baptism. Please ask about our other baptistry locations, available on other Sundays.)
  • Anyone who wants to be baptized individually. (Sorry, the baptistry tub space does not allow for couples or multiple family members inside the worship baptistry together. Please ask about our outdoor baptistry, available on other Sundays.)
  • Anyone who approves of their name and image to be shown publicly. (Service is live-streamed and archived online, photos and videos may be used for any Oak Hills Church print or digital media).
  • Anyone who can safely and comfortably navigate climbing up steps and stepping up into and out of a large tub. (One parent may accompany a small child on stage as needed. Those with accessibility accommodation requests are encouraged to use our outdoor baptistry, available on other Sundays. Please let us know how we can assist.)

If the in-worship baptism experience is not for you, that's OK! On Easter Sunday, we will only be baptizing in the Worship Center. However, you can be baptized at our indoor or outdoor baptistry locations on any other Sunday. Please check out our adult and child baptism registration options to find the right time and place for your baptism.


Oak Hills Church practices "believer’s baptism," meaning that we ask people to articulate for themselves the “gospel why” and share their salvation story with our elders or ministers prior to their baptism. While there is no minimum age a child can be for baptism, we believe it is important they are old enough to declare their belief in their own words. For infants and young toddlers, we encourage you to dedicate and celebrate during our Baby Blessing Family Milestone. Click HERE to learn more.

Crownridge Campus

Lee Wong
Once at 4/6/2025 12:45 PM
Apr 6, 2025
Room W103
Contact Class / Event Host